Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Daily Devotional - Arise from the wreckage

The title seems a bit alarming....let's find out. Great verse to begin with:
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28 (KJV)

Don't we all feel shipwrecked at times....God wants to test us to see what kind of Faith we have....what soil are you standing at. I am standing on the SOLID ROCK! Oooo how powerful this is!

I remember being blown around my someone else's sin....it is so crazy, it is root-binding....it can follow you through ministry....be careful to not allow the enemy's plan to be rooted into your life, it happened to me in the ministry. Sad but true.

Prayer and Praise....what a relief to be removed from the things that bind us daily and all we have to do is pray and lift up his holy name in PRAISE!

What an awesome devo today....LOVE IT!

God kept His promise to work all things together for the good of this man who loved Him and was called according to His purposes. As Paul depended on God and trusted His faithfulness in the midst of his adversity, many witnessed God’s power and believed.

And the same is true for us. God doesn’t waste our pain, our rejection or our “shipwrecks.” He uses them to bring about His plan—to position us so that others can see His transforming power at work in our lives and believe in the living God.

If that’s true, and it is, then our challenge is to rise from the wreckage, like Paul, so that our lives will give testimony that draws others to the Jesus. Today I will no longer sit on the sidelines of life full of self-pity. I choose to rise, pray and praise, so that God can position me to shine for His glory, and so that others will believe.

Dear Lord, forgive me for wallowing in self-pity and rejection. I trust that You see the bigger picture. I believe there is a purpose for my pain. Strengthen me to rise from my ashes so that others will see You are my help and my salvation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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